About Yuji Harasaki's health book series

Since I introduced the book, I will introduce a part of the contents. 
Mr. Harasaki himself tried various therapies with his own body and confirmed the effect. He was better off if some of the therapies didn't work, and he couldn't walk for a while. 
Mr. Harasaki said that there is an appropriate treatment method depending on the person, and the same treatment method does not work for everyone. 
I wrote that it is not good to forcibly cure the strain of the body. It seems to be distorted and may be just balanced. 
Since the human body is generally more or less distorted, it seems that gymnastics that evenly moves the body back and forth and left and right is harmful and has no advantage. 
Regarding excretion, he said that stool is a mass of toxins and should be excreted promptly. 
He said that sleep should pursue quality rather than quantity. It seems that if you sleep deeply even for a short time, you can completely get rid of fatigue. 
Also, aging is not related to age, muscles weaken due to not exercising, and when the muscles weaken, the contents of the bones become squishy, ​​and when the bones become squishy, ​​the internal organs weaken and age. The trouble is that lack of exercise has no subjective symptoms. 
・ "Gymnastics without a doctor" 
In gymnastics without a doctor, the body is changed in four stages. 
1. Negative correction gymnastics 
It seems that it is a modified gymnastics developed by the late Keizo Hashimoto Medical Expo. 
Dr. Hashimoto developed his own health method and therapy and lived until he was 97 years old. 
Please refer to Wikipedia etc. for Mr. Keizo Hashimoto. 
It is a modified exercise that moves to those who are easy to move and those who have pleasure. 
Strain is biased, twisted, forward / backward bending, pelvic opening / closing, center of gravity is higher than Tanda (center position of human body: center of circle touching triangle connecting navel, lumbar vertebrae 3 and 4 and pubis) There are such things as. 
Cures relatively new strain. 
2. Aggressive correction gymnastics 
This is a passive correction exercise that is performed after correcting a relatively new distortion, and moves the body in a direction that is difficult to move. 
Cures relatively old strain. 
3. Flexible gymnastics 
The more flexible you are, the more energy you can use. You will not get tired easily. 
4. Strengthening gymnastics 
It is a gymnastics that strengthens the body. 
・ "Breathing method without a doctor" 
I will post an introduction to the book cover. 
"Increasing abdominal pressure is as important as the heart.-Yuji Harasaki 
◎ The breathing method does not cost 1 yen. 
No need for equipment. 
It is a health method that any poor person can do. 
It may be difficult to recognize the value of the breathing method. 
Abdominal breathing is a form of breathing performed by the vertical movement of the diaphragm. 
The diaphragm acts as a liver massager. 
Therefore, abdominal breathing activates the function of the liver and strengthens the liver. "
(It seems that abdominal breathing can exhale carbon dioxide three times as much as chest breathing.) 
This book introduces various breathing methods. 
"Breathing is a movement to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide, but French Espripo pursued the cause of cancer and discovered that one of the causes was carbon dioxide in the body. Also, Warburg in Germany has cancer. Tissues are reported to be significantly oxygen deficient. "
"Actually, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine has achieved good results in cancer treatment using high-pressure oxygen." 
"The scientific action of breathing can be divided into the following three 
①Chemical action 
②Physical action 
③Physical and mental action 
Practice of breathing method 
1. Natural breathing method 
It is the same breathing method as a baby. 
2. Practice abdominal breathing 
This is a practice method for people who cannot breathe abdomen.
3. Complete breathing method 
This is a breathing method that further advances abdominal breathing. 
4. Breath concentration method 
It is a breathing method that adds the consciousness of "ku". 
The linked blog below outlines the "breathing concentration method" for abdominal breathing described in this book (Note: not the advertisement below). 
Breath concentration method 
In this book, there are other breathing methods to control emotions. 
Also, "spirit" is also listed. 
Looking at the reviews on Amazon, everyone gave a 5. A blogger named "Onasu" also praises this book on a blog called "Onasu Information".