

政府が政府系金融機関で国民に無利子でエコカーやエコハウスなどエコ商品を購入できる制度を用意するというのはどうでしょうか? SDGsにも反しないしいいと思うんですが? ハイパーインフレにならないように1日単位で監視してちょっとでも危険性があれば新…

About Yuji Harasaki's health book series

Since I introduced the book, I will introduce a part of the contents. Mr. Harasaki himself tried various therapies with his own body and confirmed the effect. He was better off if some of the therapies didn't work, and he couldn't walk for…

About Mr. Yuuji Harasaki (原崎 勇次:はらさき ゆうじ)'s "No need for a doctor(医者いらず)" series

I was the first company in Tokyo to get a job after graduating from high school, and I have been suffering from illness for 7 years since the spring of 18 years old. I attended Japanese Taoist Temple (guidance), Isotani therapy, MRT sacral…