"Resurrection method without a doctor" Yuji Harasaki Table of contents


Resurrection method without a doctor" Yuji Harasaki Table of contents


The pitfalls of Chapter 1 "Sports for Health"

There are still so many benefits of sports

Differences between sports injuries and sports injuries

Sports also have their weaknesses

This sport has such an obstacle

Back pain and spondylolysis that athletes also suffer

Fatigue fractures are similar to metal fatigue

Four basic principles when sprained

Why Sudden Death from Sports Occurs

What the conventional measures against sports injuries overlooked

Don't be fooled by the myth of maximum enzyme intake

Breakthrough VTT diagnostic analysis

Sudden death during sports avoided by diet

Causes of problems with Seko and Saito

The secret to becoming a great player is diet and temperance

Chapter 2 Sports injuries are caused by "distortion"

Physical strength / health / cure

Therapeutic medicine that ignores basic medicine is wrong

Keep the basics of health law and improve your life

Sports strain and its types

Types of strain

A simple diagnostic method for strain that anyone can do

Examples of strain by sport

















Sports club


This is how the mechanical strain of the body occurs

Chapter 3 Mechanical strain that heals by itself

Wrong strain correction is so dangerous

Strain correction exercises performed by yourself

"Comfortable" is the highest priority principle

Strain correction exercise PART I

Strain correction exercise PART II

How to cure other strains

Chapter 4 Strengthen your body from the core with this exercise

Gymnastics to cure low back pain and back pain

Preparation and organizing exercises that also serve as strain correction

Increase stamina with flexible exercises

Effective strengthening exercises that cost less money and time

Such daily activities distort the body

Tighten the anus and put pressure on the big toe

Chapter 5 Health management with correct diet and breathing method

How to survive the worst food environment in history

Hirooka's health management method that won Yakult for the first time

Boxer's meal that overturns common sense

Eat healthy food based on the principle of "Fuji"

So many vegetarian players

Carbohydrate-based vegetarian diet winning method

High-carb diet produces energy

Hideyoshi ran 300 kilometers in three days and three nights

If you want Hideyoshi's physical strength, review the roots and soil.

Absolutely genuine recommended food

"Slimy food" for joint pain

Prevent fractures with calcium and collagen

Green laver and clams for iron deficiency anemia

If there is a shortage of ties, it will cause Keiren.

Benefits of selenium, zinc and magnesium

It's better to drink than not to drink water

Dietary supplements and health foods

Folk medical equipment

Deep breathing makes you indifferent

Strengthen your resistance with the breath-concentration method

Health management of sports people ・ Four points