I thought about OS Earth that does not carry a negative legacy

I thought about the next generation OS "Earth" that does not carry the negative legacy.
"Open source OS Earth"
Uses microkernel. The bootloader is written in assembler, the driver is written in C++ and assembler, and the rest is written in C++.
Three modes are adopted for virtual memory. It is specified by the option switch at startup or the control panel.
Mode 0: Functions as a real-time OS (RTOS) without performing virtual storage.
Mode 1: Create and use a virtual memory file on an existing file system.
Mode 2: A partition for virtual memory is secured and used like Linux or the like. The partition type code uses the same one as the Linux SWAP area.
allows mode to be changed while running (not all changes possible). You can move from mode 2 to mode 1 or from mode 0 or mode 1 to mode 2 only when there is a swap area of sufficient size.
also uses a module structure like OS-9.
A single-byte alphabetic character is shown at the beginning of the
module, indicating that it is a module and the following two bytes specify the header size. It also has a CRC in the header to check whether the module has been destroyed. Of course, the header also has a body size.
When the
module is placed and ROMized, the kernel sequentially scans the ROM at boot time, recognizes the module (at that time, performs a CRC check to see if the module is correct) and operates.
module has a type code
0 Unused
1 Bootloader
2 Kernel
3 Device driver
4 Service program (daemon)
5 Executing program (application, etc.)
6 Area for inter-process communication
7 Data block (for RAM disk, etc.)
As with OS-9, modules are used, so drivers can be loaded and unloaded without rebooting.
Also, if you set the kernel to boot first when converting to ROM for embedded use, just by placing the module, the kernel scans the entire ROM at boot time, recognizes the module, and configures the system.
Use Unicode for code used inside
The provided hardware is IA-32 (Intel 32-bit architecture), x64 (IA-32 upward compatible 64-bit architecture), Mac (PowerPC version also), ARM, etc. and cross-compile (assemble) ).
application comes in two flavors: native code and virtual machine code.
In addition, it has a virtual machine as standard and also has a JIT (Just in Time) compiler function with a cache.
Also, prepare a mechanism for managing applications in a unified manner, such as Android.
Also, like Android, applications provided by a virtual machine have a button to clear the cache for each application.
Also the GUI allows widgets to be laid out like Android.
Localization is done by volunteers around the world.
Prepare a development environment so that anyone can create applications, drivers, service programs, etc.
Make the GUI easy to remember and understand by referring to the GUIs of Windows, Mac OS, Linux, iOS, Android, etc. Contents include the start menu, virtual desktop, and touch panel support. We will also prepare a GUI SDK so that you can freely create a GUI. A GUI selector is installed on the control panel so that the GUI can be changed at any time.
The OS API is based on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, TRON, BeOS, etc., and is highly compatible with object-oriented programming.
Provides a non-object-oriented, non-pointer procedural language that is easy for beginners to learn as a development language in an integrated development environment (IDE). Of course, it also provides an object-oriented, full-featured development language. Two types are prepared for these two, one for native code and one for virtual machine.
 Two types of command shells are prepared, and MS-DOS wild cards are used in file names for general command shells. It also has redirect and pipe functionality. Advanced command shells should be object-oriented like Windows Power Shell.
 Everyone, what do you think?